A Poolside Birthday Surprise

A Poolside Birthday Surprise

Helen’s POV on planning a surprise birthday...

It is a rare occasion when I can have both my sister, Susan and Yasmine around during their birthdays. Despite being thousands of miles apart, they are only separated by a month. 

Although we were all situated in New York, coordinating schedules and time remained tricky.  Our plans changed several times, but I was determined to find a method to celebrate the two without their knowledge. We finally decided to ride upstate with the entire family to Yasmine's house for what she thought would be a "surprise" birthday for my sister. But guess what? We duped both my sister and Yasmine with the surprise.

How did we do it? I asked Yasmine to help me surprise Susan with a little party. She happily became preoccupied with food planning and such. On the flip side, I informed Susan that Yasmine's husband, Omar, had purchased a birthday cake for her as a surprise when we were there. In a double ploy, I had both girls believe they were both in on a surprise and had the essential task of being "the distractor" by keeping each other out of the house. I also asked Omar and Gary (my bf) to accompany them to a local winery. It was a fantastic cover.

As you can expect, it was difficult to persuade Yasmine to leave her house in the middle of hosting, but she realized I needed to stay behind to avoid appearing suspicious to Susan. They were both stressed, but in a comical way, texting me their whereabouts, with their coming and going.

Meanwhile, the birthday setup was completely underway back at the house by the pool with the aid of my parents and Yasmine’s daughter. It was quite a sight to see them both shouting "surprise" at one another at the pool deck's entrance. And hilarious when the rest of us revealed that it was a surprise for them both.

I could not have accomplished this without the Birthday Travel Kit. It was very easy to decorate the poolside for a surprise birthday party. We had more time to laugh together and enjoy each other's company. Because at the end of the day, that's what life should be about - creating amazing moments and celebrating special people. 

Happy Birthday, Gals! (wink, wink)

xoxo Helen


Celebrate the ones you love with style and ease.  

If we have inspired you to do the same, CLICK HERE to get this party kit.

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